Swap Fiat to Bitcoin Cash with beachlounge

Terms of Swap

Available in Playa del Carmen, Mexico for in person Bitcoin Cash to USD cash fiat swaps. Any exchange rate quoted is applicable only on the day of the quote. No ID verification required for face to face swap.
Swap Location: Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Profile type: Individual
Swapper offering: Bitcoin Cash
Swapper receiving: Fiat
USD 5000-50000
USD 5000-50000

Terms of Swap

Available in Playa del Carmen, Mexico for in person Bitcoin Cash to USD cash fiat swaps. Any exchange rate quoted is applicable only on the day of the quote. No ID verification required for face to face swap.


Bitcoin Cash
🛈 USD cash
+2% margin

Above cryptocurrency value

Face to face
🛈 Meet in PDC centro


Swap window: 1 day

How much time you have to complete the swap. There may be additional details under Terms of Swap.

To request a swap, sign up or login now.

Swap Protocol

Read the the terms of swap and ensure you agree to and will comply with them prior to sending a swap request.

If you are an existing user, log in to use the form on this page to send a swap request to the Swapper. If you are new, follow the link to sign up for an account – it’s FREE to be a Swappie!

Upon sending the swap request, you will be redirected to a chat page with the swapper where you can discuss details of the swap. If you have a first or last name associated with your account, this will be displayed to the Swapper on the swap request page. Open swap requests and your swap history can be found on your user account page.

For more information see our quick swap guide.

Cancelling the Swap Request

You may cancel the swap request before completing the swap by clicking on the ‘Cancel Request’ button on the chat page for the swap request.

Cancelled swap requests are permanently deleted one month after cancellation.

Swap Etiquette

Please read our guide on how best to complete a swap.